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Best PUBG tips and tricks

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1Best PUBG tips and tricks Empty Best PUBG tips and tricks Thu Nov 14, 2019 1:30 pm


What is BUBG?
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is one of the biggest battle royal games in the world, usually keeping a spot as one of the top three most played games on steam. So if you have been living under a rock for the past two years you may be asking: what is PUBG?
PUBG is at its core a battle royal game, meaning you and up to three teammates will be ducking it out on a massive map with 99 other players, all in hopes of getting that chicken dinner - first place.
PUBG is produced by PUBG Corp and is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One and even mobile devices. The game is basically playable for everyone, so there are no good reasons to sit there and not give it a try! But if you are dropping in for the first time, you’ll need more than just your instincts and wits; you’ll need some Intel and strategy. There are a lot of things to cover if you want to get good at PUBG; weapons, locations, armor, hot spots and more. This guide details everything you could ever want to know about becoming a PUBG pro, so be sure to check out these PUBG tips and tricks before you drop in!
Pubg tips - Best PUBG tips and tricks for newbie 2019
Best PUBG tips and tricks Logo-pubg
Let visit pubg.tips!
This PUBG tips page will tackle as much of that depth as possible, from beginners PUBG tips to a more advanced guide to the game.
Trying to improve in a game as complex and difficult as PUBG can feel like ramming your head into a brick wall, but match analysis will give you crucial information for play styles and strategies. Not sure which assault rifle to use?
Don’t take from someone else, use the assistant to tell you exactly how effective each one is and at what ranges, and use that to shape how you loot in the next game. Not sure where to drop? Check the assistant to see your win percentages in every location, on every map.
The pubg.tips offers easy, accurate, in depth data on every single aspect of your PUBG matches. It’s basically like having another squad member, so sign up and tries it for yourself at

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